Insight & Talent development
Do you lack insight into your teams and individual talents - and do you want to work on talent development and get the full potential of your employees strenghts? Achieve faster results by collaborating with me, so we can together enhance your company's performance and retain your skilled employees.
Through a holistic approach to talent development, we work on identifying, recruiting, and nurturing your employees' talents.
I believe that talent development, combined with well-being and motivation, is the key to a successful company. It’s my ambition to assist you in creating a more productive, engaged, and motivated workplace.
I am a strategic partner with Play Your Talent. Play Your Talent offers an app, and the concept is simple, operational, and easy to use in everyday situations. I’ve successfully utilized this tool with many of my clients.
I offer training and development programs, mentoring schemes, as well as career guidance tailored to your specific needs. I can also help develop and implement follow-up programs that ensure your employees continue to evolve and grow in their roles.
The aim is for you to acquire the skills and resources to both retain and generate success through collaboration with your employees.
"Michael Casparij is characterized by a professional focus. Michael knows how to communicate data and insights with the target group in mind. This always leads to good, inspiring and thought-provoking conversations in the networks."
“Michael quickly takes over the room due to his likeable and engaging manner. He professionally gets to the heart of the task and with his wealth of professional and personal skills, he sparks, develops and solves tasks in a trusting collaboration.”
Play Your Talent - a unique digital platform for creating insight and developing the talent potential within you and your company.
Play Your Talent is a leadership and development tool that puts leaders’ and employees’ talents into play, thereby increasing productivity and motivation by up to 30%.
The software is designed to work digitally, motivationally, and operationally with talent development and change processes.
As a certified partner, I often utilize the platform in workshops, programs, and presentations.
Inspiration & artikler
Vi skal have talentindsigt på skoleskemaet
Vi skal have talentindsigt på skoleskemaet 🧠 – og på Birkerød Gymnasium går de forrest! I sidste uge havde jeg den kæmpe fornøjelse at være
September 12, 2023
10 år som selvstændig- sikke en rejse og milepæl at runde
10 år som selvstændig- sikke en rejse og milepæl at runde
June 1, 2023
Lever i jeres værdier?
Lever I jeres virksomheds værdier? 👀… I mange virksomheder, hænger værdierne pænt på væggene, men de er ikke meget værd, hvis de ikke bliver udlevet.
May 16, 2023