Wouldn't it be nice to know exactly where and how to increase job satisfaction among your employees?
Wouldn't it be great if you could take the temperature of your employees' wellbeing after the holidays? How are they doing? What is the status in the different departments and teams? What new initiatives do we need to implement to ensure high job satisfaction and well-being?

I believe that most leaders want the best for their employees and that the dream is to create a culture where job satisfaction is high. But all too often, good intentions and failed initiatives remain because there is no concrete knowledge of WHERE and HOW to take action.
You can gain exactly that knowledge by continuously measuring well-being in your company.
I am certified in GAIS, which is a tool that can do just that.
GAIS stands for “Good Job Satisfaction Index Score” and is a data-driven tool that supports job satisfaction and thus engagement and motivation.

Measure, understand and improve job satisfaction with insights and tools.
Job satisfaction looks different from person to person, yet research has shown that there are seven main factors that influence job satisfaction:
- Opinion
- Co-determination
- Mastery
- The results
- Management
- Colleagues
- Balance

GAIS measures exactly these 7 factors and thereby provides a unique and precise insight into where something can be optimized in relation to the 7 factors.
This gives us the opportunity to prioritize our efforts and take action where it is necessary and where we will make the biggest difference for each department.
Because it’s rarely the same factor that is equally important for all departments.
Improve well-being with a GAIS measurement
A GAIS measurement makes job satisfaction concrete, tangible and understandable, and by involving all employees, well-being becomes a shared responsibility.
The fixed questionnaire and flexible options for full measurements – or pulse measurements – make it possible to follow the development over time and ensure that the right actions are taken where they create the greatest improvement.
GAIS is based on more than 7 years of research on job satisfaction and well-being from Kantar Gallup and Job Satisfaction Knowledge Center.
The research contains a large ecosystem of knowledge, reports, data and inspiration.
Book a call and let me introduce you to a simple process that will help you work towards increasing job satisfaction in your company.
Focusing on job satisfaction is good for the bottom line, retention, sick leave and health.
- Companies with the highest job satisfaction have approximately 26,000 DKK more profit per employee per year than companies with the lowest job satisfaction.
- Over six months, around 20% of employees with the lowest job satisfaction have changed jobs!
- Employees with the lowest job satisfaction have on average 12 more sick days per year than employees with the highest job satisfaction.
- Employees with high job satisfaction rate their health as over 50% better than employees with low job satisfaction
- In comparison, around 9% of employees with the highest job satisfaction have changed jobs.
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