Are your habits getting in the way of your goals and ambitions?

When was the last time you thought about your habits? A simple question that for many seems difficult to answer. Because when do we actually do that?

When implementing culture, strategy and unique customer experiences, I often use habits as an important element to get employees and managers to stop and take stock.
What are our good and bad habits?
How do they support – or hinder – our goals and ambitions?
Some habits are guaranteed to be good, but we’re rarely conscious of them, and then it’s almost luck that we succeed.
The bad habits, well, they are bad and rarely lead to anything good.
We need to convert them into good ones, or remove them completely.

We can take inspiration from Alvin Toffler and his quote:

In the development we are in the middle of, which will only get stronger, I fully agree that we must become better at stopping, taking stock and deciding what needs to be learned, unlearned and relearned – also when it comes to habits – in order to be one of the winners of the future.

Today I had the pleasure of facilitating a workshop where we talked a lot about habits.
The organization must be supported to give customers even better customer experiences and we used the habits to find 3 very specific focus points for the coming period.
An exciting process where we discussed, created new insights and shared knowledge like rarely before.
A process that makes it very clear where we need to take action to strengthen the level of competence and where we have our strengths.

Now comes the hard part of the process – sticking to the new good habits and keeping the everyday monster at bay!

If you want to take a closer look at your habits, order my PDF describing the technique I use to convert bad habits into value for you and your business goals and ambitions.
Write to me at michael@casparij.comand it will be in your inbox shortly.
You are also welcome to call me at 26256999.

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